Environmental Policy

We aim to manage our business in a sustainable way and though our environmental impacts are small we still endeavour to improve continually on our environmental performance.  Our key impacts are related to travel and office resource usage such as energy and consumables.  It is to this end that we make a commitment to the following practices where feasible:

  • We will make no unnecessary journeys during the course of our business
  • Where journeys are necessary we will plan our routes carefully and drive in a manner which maximises fuel consumption
  • Regularly check tyre pressures and adjust accordingly again to maximise fuel efficiency
  • Use public transport if practicable
  • Minimise the heating in the office, make maximum usage of natural light and only use artificial light when necessary and use low energy lighting
  • Make as much use as possible of email, video conferencing and the internet to reduce paper usage
  • Only print information when absolutely necessary
  • Turn off office equipment when not in use
  • Print double-sided where possible and re-use as scrap
  • Recycle waste
  • Consider purchasing consumables which have a recycled content or are derived from a sustainable source
  • Use local suppliers where possible

We are mindful that there are other actions we may be able to take to reduce our environmental impact and we will therefore periodically review our activities to establish where further changes, however small, can be effected.  It is a given that we will not pollute the environment beyond that of our normal business activities and comply with environmental legislation where applicable.

We will communicate this Policy to all interested parties.

This Policy will be reviewed no less often than annually and updated as necessary.

Owen Hughes – Director, psych45 Ltd

Date:    20 June 2020