psych45 ltd is an Equal Opportunities employer. As such, we support the principle of equal opportunities for all individuals in both employment and training situations. In practice, this means that all psych45 ltd staff and trainees alike are expected to demonstrate the spirit of relevant legislation, not merely abide by the law.
psych45 ltd takes positive steps to ensure that individuals are treated fairly. It promotes equality of opportunity regardless f colour, ethnic, or national origin, religious beliefs, gender, domestic circumstances, age, disability learning difficulties, criminal or civil convictions (in so far as these do not reflect on the individual’s particular employment situation).
Staff and trainees alike have a duty to point out any instances n which they feel that individuals are being unfairly disadvantaged, harassed, or in any way made to feel uncomfortable because of the above factors.
Candidate achievement is monitored on the basis of gender, age and stated disability across all vocational routes. psych45 ltd undertake to actively promote recruitment in vocational areas where particular groups are under-represented.